Friday, November 29, 2019

The Gospel of Amazement

Background As Jesus was heading to Jerusalem, he passed between the cities of Samaria and Galilee, a path that took him through a certain village where he came across ten leapers. These Samaritan men stood a far from the rest of the people as they had been cast off by the society because of their disease. As Jesus approached the men raised their voices and shouted to him, â€Å"Master, have mercy on us.† Jesus then waked towards them and told them to go and show themselves to the priests.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on The Gospel of Amazement specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More As the men walked off, they realized that their leprosy had healed and they were cleansed and therefore went off rejoicing. However, one of them on noticing that his leprosy was gone turned back while glorifying God and walked to where Jesus was standing. He then knelt before him and with his face on Jesus’ feet went a head to thank him for the miracle. Jesus then asked how comes, out of ten men only one came back to thank him. He then asked the man to rise up and go his way and told him that his faith had made him whole. Significance of leprosy At the time that Jesus lived leprosy was a common disease among the people, and the repercussions of having the disease were devastating. It was not enough that the leapers has to lose their limbs, they were also excommunicated from the rest of the society since the disease was contagious. They had to therefore, live outside the city away from the people where they begged for food and clothing. They were viewed as outcasts who had no place in society as men and the banishing of leapers was meant to make sure they die away from the rest of the society1. This was because there had not been even as single case of anyone who had recovered from the disease and the solution was death. Significance of the priests The priests at the time were identified as the mos t powerful religious figures and they had to approve of any miracles that were claimed to have happened. After their approval, the miracle would then be accepted by all the people, both the believers and the non-believers. By Jesus telling the leapers to walk forth and show themselves to the priests he wanted word on the healing of leapers which was a miracle to spread as this would then lead to the glorification of God. This was if the priests approved of the healing as a miracle as Jesus had previously received some criticism from the priest especially after performing miracles on a Sabbath. He, however, knew that even though the priests did not approve of the healing as a miracle, word would still spread due to the nature of leprosy at the time as no one had ever been known to recover from the disease2. This was perhaps the reason behind the wild rejoicing that the leapers had. Significance of the healing The leapers on the other hand, were overwhelmed by the idea of not living w ith the disease ever again and were clearly overjoyed. They were also happy to be integrated back to the society as life outside the city was unbearable both physically and emotionally.Advertising Looking for research paper on religion theology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More These people had friends as well as families that they loved before they became leapers and got shunned due to the fear that they would pass the disease on to others. They were happy to show everyone that they had been healed and reunite with their family and friends. Only one leaper thought, amid all the jubilation and happiness, of walking back to Jesus and thanking him. There is also the identification of the universality that Jesus held as we are told that the leaper was a stranger. This suggests that Jesus did not know him and did not care much about acquaintances for him to perform miracles. This also suggests that the leapers did not know him in person though previous texts identify that his fame had traveled through the cities of Samaria and Galilee. This therefore suggests that the leaper had to have been really touched by the kind act of Jesus to come back and thank him. It also suggests that the leaper recognized that he owed Jesus for healing him and therefore, the least he could do is get down on his knees and thank him3. What we first identify is that the leapers were aware of whom Jesus was and they also had the idea that the healing was a miracle from God. This was perhaps the reason why they walked away glorifying God. The one leaper who came back to thank Jesus knew that Jesus being the son of God, was responsible for his healing and therefore decided to kneel in front of him and thank him. The leaper had an idea of who was responsible for his healing as well as who he had to thank. The other nine leapers on the other hand, had no idea that they needed to thank Jesus. They obviously had no idea who was responsibl e for their healing and in this case did not bother to step back, as the one leaper did, and thank Jesus. The recognition of responsibility in all cases has not always been universal as people find themselves unaware or openly ignorant of the person responsible for whatever they are experiencing. In this case, not much can be said to blame the nine leapers for not thanking Jesus as it might be believed that they were openly overwhelmed by their new found health4. The essence of faith The essence of faith as it has been used in this context recognizes the belief in something. This belief therefore, gives people an idea of whoever is responsible for the deeds that happen to us and around us. Though the other leapers knew about God, it may be assumed that they had no faith in Jesus and therefore were not bothered to thank him for their healing.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on The Gospel of Amazement specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Faith is often driven by the belief in something and in instances like this, the out-most belief of a person often manifest themselves amidst all the overwhelming emotions. Whoever one turns to first in such a situation suggests that they have quite a lot of faith in that person. In this case, the leapers had a lot of faith in the people back at the city perhaps due to the belief that they would be accepted back into the society as well as praised since they were the first cases of leprosy ever being healed. They probably knew that with their new found healing they would not only be accepted back into society, but they would also become famous and instant celebrities thereof. All this at the backdrop of their previously infamous status as the society had shunned them and viewed them as useless and a burden to their people. This is why they rushed into the city to show the people that they had been healed and forgot all about Jesus. Faith often comes with t he appreciation of whoever one has faith in. It is common for people to have faith in the wrong person or thing which may either be as a result of their lack of knowledge or out of sheer ignorance5. What sometimes may be referred to as the lack of faith may not necessarily mean that there is no shred of it thereof. This is because different people choose to show their appreciation in different ways. It all, however, boils down to the giving of thanks for a good deed done, more like the classical approach to appreciation of something good that is done whether to you as a person or to someone else. In this case, the one leaper was courteous enough to give thanks because he knew and had the faith inn him that Jesus was responsible for his healing6. He therefore went back and humbled himself before him and thanked him after which Jesus told him that his faith had made him full. The context in which full has been used in this case, suggest that the other leapers, though they had been hea led and were ready to be reintegrated back into society, still lacked something in them that was quite essential for them to lead full lives as human beings7. They lacked faith in Jesus and this is what mattered most in their lives. Faith as it is used to express the fullness of human life indicates that an individual has to have a belief in his spiritual being that defines his spiritual life. This belief has to be in what the person holds dear as the source of his spiritual as well as physical nourishment. In this case, the one leaper believed and had faith that Jesus was the source of both his spiritual as well as his physical nourishment especially since he had been physically healed.Advertising Looking for research paper on religion theology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More It is important to note that the nature of the lives that leapers led meant that they had not only been excluded from living with the rest of the people, but also had been sanctioned to never enter the temples. This meant that the leapers were both physically as well as spiritually disabled as they could not access any form of spiritual guidance from the priests or even participate in worship in the church. Though Jesus had healed them and gotten rid of their physical disease, they were still spiritually handicapped and therefore not whole as human beings. The need to fulfill one’s spiritual being can only be done by having faith in God and in Jesus as his son. Miracles were often used by Jesus and his disciples to show how great God was by showing that he had power over nature. This often led to the conversion of many people into Christianity as more people had faith in God and subsequently Jesus. The last leaper who came back to thank Jesus identified that due to the miracl e that had just happened to him he needed to have faith in Jesus. Faith has often been described as a belief in something. The belief in something requires that one has to have hope in something that is unknown or is uncertain. The faith that the leaper had in Jesus was manifested in his thanking of Jesus as he identified that he was responsible for his healing. He did all this, despite the fact that he was still a stranger to Jesus and when they first summoned him to have mercy on them they thought that he was just another passer-by who would give them food or money. Believing in a stranger is often hard and thanking strangers even harder. One has to have a great amount of faith in someone for them to believe in them especially when it comes to believing that the person will heal him. There had not been previous cases of people who had recovered from leprosy or even people who had been miraculously healed by someone. This suggests that the leaper who had faith in Jesus had a pretty strong belief in him as the healing was an uncertainty. Though some may argue that it was the only option left since there was no other way the lepers could have recovered, it still remains that it takes real faith to identify an option that did not previously exist and have hope in it. Such was the situation in this case for this one leaper who had the courtesy to come back to Jesus and thank him. The issue of faith is often misunderstood with hope in its original context. It, however, differs from hope since faith suggests that the strong belief continues even after one’s success. On the other hand, hope ends after the success of the act that one hopes for8. In this case, all the leapers had hope that one day they would get healed by they did not have faith in God and in Jesus that he would be responsible for the healing. Hope doesn’t introduce a sense of responsibility as faith does. Faith ensures that a person cedes his or her life to the person he has faith in an d gives that person the responsibility over their lives. The responsibility in this case should be in Jesus as every person should let Jesus be responsible for their lives and let him have control over the course that their life takes. From this story we can try and speculate on what wholeness meant in regard to the other nine leapers who did not go back and thank Jesus. For some their lives could never be whole since living as an outcast changes their perception of life and other people’s perceptions of them. Though some could have been happy to have been healed and went back to their families, their families could have rejected them claiming that they thought the leper was dead or claiming they had moved on in life for instance in the case of a wife who might have remarried. For others they might have walked off ready to be reintegrated back into society and work among the people, but the nature of being a beggar for so many years and not having to work would have made them lazy and therefore could not work and had to go back to begging. Others would have felt special since there were probably more than ten leapers in the city and only ten were healed so some would have thought that they had to be really special for Jesus to choose them. This would have made them arrogant which would then lead the rest of the society to despise them and shun them which means that even if they were healed they would still be outcasts. For some, the feeling that he was important would have probably overwhelmed them and it is safe to assume that they would have come across other leapers begging on the side walk as they headed to the temple to meet the priests, which would then have meant that in their pride and joy they would have ignored those begging leapers. This would have been hypocritical considering the fact that they had just been begging like them a few minutes before. All these analogies portray a picture of individuals who even after they were healed, could ne ver be whole since they lacked the integral part of humanity that allows one to live a humble, contented and successful life, which is gratitude through faith. Significance of the number ten The significance of this scripture is also symbolic as one asks themselves what could have been the significance of the number ten and why there weren’t nine or eleven leapers. This brings to mind the issue of the tithe as only one out of ten leapers came back to give thanks. One ten tenth or a tithe of the blessing given by Jesus was returned to him and more blessings were given. This takes us back to the issue of giving tithes that suggests that out of all the income that one is blessed with one has to at least give back ten percent to God as a show of gratitude for being blessed and more blessings will follow. Though this may sound alarmingly close to what many preachers suggest of material wealth being given to those who give ten percent of their income to the church, this passage tea ches of blessings and not material wealth. Blessings in this case may come inform of health, love and acceptance into society. In this case, the ten percent does not have to be in monetary terms. This may be for instance ten percent of a person’s time to serve in the church or help others who are in need in society, or in case of a job where one gets to have a lot of contacts one may help others in the society who have no jobs by giving them at least ten percent of those contacts. The tenth leaper did not have any money to give to Jesus as he was a leaper, so he sacrificed the only thing he had and gave praises and worshiped Him. He sacrificed his urge to jump up rejoicing and speed off into the city to show off his newly found health and humbled himself before God and worshiped Him. Summary An example in real life is where an individual has misplaced priorities that force him or her not to have faith in God and forget that their life is managed by God. This is often the case where one has stayed for long without a job and looses all hope and therefore turns to God and prays that he or she gets a job. Then, out of the blue the person gets a lucrative offer and instead of thanking God the person finds himself bragging to society as well as their old comrades who had branded him or her a failure. This is often driven by the need for approval as well as recognition especially where the lack of a job had led the individual into losing his or her status in the society. In is not a secret that poor people are looked down upon and therefore people do not like to be regarded as poor. This often drives the individual to spend their first salary buying expensive gifts to the people around them so that he or she can gain approval. What the individual usually forgets is that he or she got the job by the grace of God and they should recognize this by showing an appreciation for what God has done for them. People should first seek appreciation by God by worshipping H im first and sacrificing part of their blessings to Him9. For the tenth leaper put God first as he returned to praise and worship before even showing himself to the priests as he had been instructed. This shows that wholeness and gratitude often complement each other. This means that one needs to have a generous and humble heart to receive wholeness. One needs to make God number one in his or her life since to succeed one has to have God in their lives as all good things come from God. There can never be wholeness without gratitude or rather giving thanks to God and also there can never be gratitude without receiving wholeness. Reference Card, Michael. Luke: The Gospel of Amazement. New York: InterVarsity Press, 2011. Charlesworth, James. Jesus and archaeology. New York: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing, 2006. Kelly, Maureen. ChildrenÃ… ¼s Liturgy of the Word 2010-2011: A Weekly Resource. Boston: LiturgyTrainingPublications, 2010. Koet, Bart. Dreams and scripture in Luke-Acts: collected essays. New York: Peeters Publishers, 2006. Maria, Thi. The Lucan Journey: A Study of Luke 9:28-36 and Acts 1:6-11 as an Architectural Pair. New York: Peter Lang, 2010. McDonald, Lee. Forgotten scriptures: the selection and rejection of early religious writings. New York: Westminster John Knox Press, 2009. Nicholes, Lou. Luke: The Perfect Man. London: Xulon Press, 2007. Weissenrieder, Annette. Images of illness in the Gospel of Luke: insights of ancient medical texts. London: Mohr Siebeck, 2003. Footnotes 1 Thi Maria. The Lucan Journey: A Study of Luke 9:28-36 and Acts 1:6-11 as an Architectural Pair. (New York: Peter Lang, 2010). 61. 2 Lou Nicholes. Luke: The Perfect Man. (London: Xulon Press, 2007). 127. 3 Bart Koet. Dreams and scripture in Luke-Acts: collected essays. (New York: Peeters Publishers, 2006). 73. 4 Lee McDonald. Forgotten scriptures: the selection and rejection of early religious writings. (New York: Westminster John Knox Press, 2009). 239. 5 Annette Weissenrieder . Images of illness in the Gospel of Luke: insights of ancient medical texts. (London: Mohr Siebeck, 2003). 28. 6 Maureen Kelly. ChildrenÃ… ¼s Liturgy of the Word 2010-2011: A Weekly Resource. (Boston: LiturgyTrainingPublications, 2010). 94. 7 James Charlesworth . Jesus and archaeology. (New York: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing, 2006). 72. 8 Bart Koet. Dreams and scripture in Luke-Acts: collected essays. (New York: Peeters Publishers, 2006). 45. 9 Michael Card. Luke: The Gospel of Amazement. (New York: InterVarsity Press, 2011). 32. This research paper on The Gospel of Amazement was written and submitted by user Isabell Wilkinson to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Conquering Everyday Dilemmas Of a Content Officer With Ann Handley

Conquering Everyday Dilemmas Of a Content Officer With Ann Handley How can you improve your content marketing? How can you take advantage of an opportunity to entice people? Every company has the typical branding and collateral, but goes above and beyond with a tower of donuts! Today, we’re talking to Ann Handley, award-winning content marketing expert and Chief Content Officer (CCO) for MarketingProfs. Ann shares how she organizes her team, what’s she focusing on for the company, and how she measures effectiveness and success. CCO: Person at a management level who manages content what a company sells and does MarketingProfs educates and trains marketers; helps them figure out how to use modern digital tools, tactics, and techniques Six Elements of Campaign Marketing: Strategy, plan, create, communicate, analyze, and management Identify whats important to marketers; always ask what does our audience need to know to be successful in marketing? Focus on the Future: Plan what needs to be done now to know what you will offer in the next six months Remote teams require knowing what everybodys working on and where things are at; MarketingProfs’ philosophy is â€Å"When in doubt, cc† Utilize project management tools; don’t buy helpful tools and then not use them Hire people who are able to work in your company’s environment and who value and crave the type of autonomy offered Metrics used to measure success depends on the content; review open rates, trends, and other indicators what metrics matter more holistically and broadly Ann redesigned and re-launched her Website because to align her personal and professional worlds Focus on your distribution strategy to make your content stand out; distribute conversational and helpful content via email to connect directly with people Links: Ann Handley MarketingProfs Everybody Writes MarketingProfs Campaign Framework Total Anarchy Newsletter Confab ClickZ Andy Crestodina Value vs. Vanity: Revealing Which Marketing Metrics Really Matter The Most What topics and guests should be on AMP? Send your suggestions! If you liked today’s show, please subscribe on iTunes to The Actionable Content Marketing Podcast! The podcast is also available on SoundCloud, Stitcher, and Google Play. Quotes by Ann Handley: â€Å"In my heart, Im really more of a storyteller. The idea of really crafting a story to connect with an audience really was my sweet spot.† â€Å"For me, its not about one particular metric. Its really getting a sense of the metrics that matter more holistically and more broadly.† â€Å"What does our audience need to know to be successful in marketing? Thats really the lens that we look through to identify what it is that we need to either develop or to promote.† â€Å"What am I all about? Im all about content.†

Friday, November 22, 2019

Leadership Theories Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Leadership Theories - Essay Example Leaders who use this theory in their organization's exhibit focus, vision, inspiration and risk-taking traits. They possess a charismatic charm in transforming the organization through influence on the employees. Ethically speaking, a transformative leader must only influence the followers in a positive manner. The characters or strategies shown to the employees should be within the ethical requirements of the organization or professional field in question. The objective of a transformational leader is to change the organization positively in all aspects. Transformational leadership is increasingly becoming popular in some sectors due to its effectiveness in ensuring improved performance. Transformative leaders not only influence the followers and other junior members of the organization but impacts also on other leaders. Through the influence, other leaders become agents of change i9n the organization. Followers respect, admire and the transformative leaders. Based on the description by the proponents of the theory, transformational leadership has four components. The components include intellectual stimulation, individualized consideration, inspirational motivation and idealized influence. Through these components, the leader is in a better position to make decisions that will initiate a positive change in the whole of the organization. Through intellectual stimulation, a transformative leader can make decisions in a manner that does not appear to challenge other leaders within the organization. The leaders encourage the followers to adopt creativity when undertaking their duties. Creativity offers the followers opportunities to innovate and learn. The leader can make the decision intellectually without any member of the organization feeling victimized. The second trait that is common among ethical leaders who utilize transformational leadership style entails individualized considerations (Grants, 2012).  

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Argumentative Research Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Argumentative Research - Essay Example Content not driven at the ideology of this political group or the government as a whole (for example either Tibetan or Taiwanese independence) is suppressed in the interests of the state (Hughes). Search engine giant Google has recently come under fire for complying with China’s standards of censorship. Opponents, like Frida Ghitis, accuse Google of selling out on its lofty and righteous corporate responsibility to the oppressed people of China. They claim that as Google puts profits above the people of China, they are compounding the problem by promoting a low standard of corporate ethics. Nevertheless, this view of Google and its ethical responsibilities is itself destructive and contradictory. Claiming that any corporation has a moral duty to serve the interests of anyone besides stockholders is patently absurd. Additionally, to think a corporation does have a moral duty threatens to subordinate businesses to the whims of societies (and, by proxy, their governments): the ou tcome Google’s opponents argue against. The question of Google allowing the Chinese government to censor its content drives a deeper issue: that of corporate social responsibility. This term refers to the moral kinds of obligations, if any, that businesses and corporations are committed to by virtue of being such entities. Obviously, many are favorable to the idea of corporations contributing in some way to social change, other than what some have called â€Å"economic imperialism†, where corporations â€Å"exploit† workers in third-world countries. Nevertheless, the ethics of corporate responsibility have not been well-justified, and are typically found only in the businesses’ models for making profit. Thus, on its face, it seems that â€Å"being responsible† for a corporation is good for business. It can benefit, first of all, brand

Monday, November 18, 2019

Shame Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Shame - Essay Example According to Piaget’s theory of moral reasoning, children come to better learn morality when they work in groups with others. Piaget advanced that there is a way in which kids align to societal norms in terms expectations and the process is active. He also observed that young children will look at issues in terms of how certain actions affect them or what the outcomes of actions are. On the other hand much older children are more interested in the motive behind any action as opposed to the results of the particular action. The environment we grow up in or our developmental history is therefore a very important factor that influences our moral development. In the case study for instance, Dick Gregory had to go to school in order to learn hate. As a young boy he fell in love with Helene who is from a different social class but well mannered, clean and presentable. As a result of the friendship, Dick tries as much as possible to also look presentable, â€Å"I think I went to school then mostly to look at her. I brushed my hair and even got me a little old handkerchief. It was a ladys handkerchief, but I didnt want Helene to see me wipe my nose on my hand.† There is no doubt in taking all the sacrifices, Dick is trying to conform to the expectations of the new society expectations as dictated by the environment in the school. Considering that our development history and environment crucially influence our moral development process, it is therefore important to appreciate that our actions affect the way other people develop. The teacher’s attitudes in the case study greatly affected the two little children i.e. Dick and Helene. By turning off Dicks hard worked for contribution and referring to him in derogatory terms, â€Å"We are collecting this money for you and your kind, Richard Gregory. If your Daddy can give fifteen dollars you have no business being on relief,† Helene felt for her friend and even cried. On the other hand

Saturday, November 16, 2019

The Hair Care Category From The Consumers Marketing Essay

The Hair Care Category From The Consumers Marketing Essay What the consumer expects from the hair care category is firstly a shampoo that is suitable for their hair type and provides them with the results they want after using a shampoo such as cleansing of hair and scalp, keeping hair soft and smooth and strong. The consumer expects that the shampoo will make her hair thick, shiny and free from damage. Secondly, the consumer expects that the shampoo she has chosen should be accompanied by a supplementary product i.e. conditioner which will cater to her need of making her hair soft and moisturized. Lastly, the consumer has started to expect additional products in terms of mousse, gels, serums, leave-ons etc. that will cater to her individualized needs and problems. They will help her to change the texture and type of her hair temporarily for example makes her hair straight with a straightening serum when she has frizzy hair. The consumer expects that all her hair needs are satisfied conveniently and effectively through these off the shelf items instead of having to waste her time using tedious home remedies such as egg and yogurt on her hair. Another point to mention here is that men have started to expect products that are made especially for them. Hair Care Category in Pakistan: The hair care category in Pakistan consists of all available solutions for hair care including shampoos, conditioners, leave-ons, oils, colorants and styling available in retail, wholesale and salon channels. The Business we are in: UPL hair care category at the moment consists of shampoos and conditioners in beauty, herbal and anti-dandruff segments and also plans to provide styling products in the future. The Business we want to be in: The hair care category at this moment is providing generic solutions for hair care and the company needs to move towards providing more specialized solutions for all the different hair types and needs. The consumer is evolving and wants more hi-tech ingredients and technologies rather than just natural ingredients. There is more emphasis on beauty and fashion and the consumer wants hair care companies to give them solutions tailor made for their hair type and hair problems for example frizzy hair, straight hair, damaged hair, curly hair, limp hair etc and these solutions to be provided in the form of not only shampoos but more evolved product types such as serums, sprays, gels and masks. UPL also wants to build the male grooming segment through AD brand Clear. Regions: UPL currently provides its products nationally including urban, suburban, rural and deep rural. They reach consumers through their deep distribution which has penetrated even in deep rural through provision of specialized skus like sachets. Customers users: Anyone who washes their hair is part of UPL target market. Therefore women, men, children of all ages are the ones UPL wants to provide solutions to. Users can be further divided into heavy, medium and light users and the strategy used is based on what category they fall into. Channels Used: Hair care category will provide the products to the above consumers through General Trade stores, Family Grocers, Modern Trade Channels, International Trade and OOH which includes salons so as to be available to reach consumers wherever they are. We will not make ourselves available in low contributing channels such as pan kiosks. What business we will not go in: UPL Hair care will not go in the businesses of loose oils, hair colorants and soap for hair wash because we will provide all solutions to our consumers through our current and future products. For example we will provide the benefit of mustard oil by incorporating mustard oil extract in our shampoo or provide the cleansing properties of soap through clarifying shampoos. How Competition defines their scope: The competition for UPL hair care includes direct and indirect competitors i.e. anyone who provides hair wash and care solutions. This would therefore include soap (both toilet and laundry) and loose oil providers. Our direct competition includes PG (HS and Pantene) and Forvil (Bio Amla). PG has the same scope as ours in terms of customers/users and regions, but they look at the market differently by dividing it cleanly into the three categories and ensuring that there is no overlap between the three. Bio Amla on the other hand has a rural specific focus and channelize their resources on herbal segment. They focus on their rich heritage and providing solutions that will be handed down from generation to generation. So: How do we create customers? UPL can create customers firstly by creating awareness about the different problems that can plague consumers hair. Once they are aware of this, then UPL will provide them will solutions for their specific needs by giving them an entire system for their hair i.e. shampoo, conditioner and styling product. It will also create new customers in terms of men who currently use soap or borrow the beauty shampoo from the lady in the house, by providing them a shampoo made just for them. Hair Care 1 Ά As per the above charts, UPL is only present in the shampoo and conditioner categories. There are a few players that have just started to emerge in the styling segment such as LOreal, Garnier and Toni Guy. Before they make a mark, and the consumers associate them as the experts on styling, UPL should introduce their own styling range as well. As far as the distribution structure goes, the focus is mainly on GT/MT with cosmetic channel and salons not being concentrated upon. The potential of these two channels is therefore not being utilized. Both of these channels contributions should be increased with particular focus as to how to develop them, especially salons which is a channel to which you can sell to for their own use and to sell from, to people who visit these salons. Market Size: Volume (Tons) Segment 2006 2007 2008 2009 CAGR % Beauty 6,244 7,204 7,457 8,609 11% Herbal 5,941 6,466 7,843 8,811 14% Anti Dandruff 2,923 3,392 3,968 4,477 15% Conditioners 6,411 6,677 6,853 7,053 3% Styling 149 154 166 166 4% Colorants 782 815 849 865 3% Ά In 2008, the Herbal category overtook the Beauty Category in volume. This can be attributed to the price increases (7%) taken by players in the beauty category, turning consumers to the herbal shampoos which were at a discount to beauty shampoos. 2007 saw the introduction of a new player in the AD category i.e. Clear shampoo which has propelled growth in the AD segment since. Conditioner category growth may look small, but this is primarily because of decline in loose oils and natural ingredients as consumers switch towards branded products. The rinse-off branded conditioner market on the other hand is actually growing at 6%. Styling products usually consist of those that come in through the grey channel and are not actively being marketed therefore hardly any growth. Even the colorants market has not seen any new entrants until now and therefore the slow growth. Market Size Value (Rs Mn.) Segment 2006 2007 2008 2009 CAGR % Beauty 3,368 4,004 4,302 6,335 23% Herbal 1,605 2,020 2,593 3,335 28% Anti Dandruff 1,643 2,056 2,452 3,748 32% Conditioners 9,527 9,036 8,655 8,467 -4% Styling 103 112 112 124 6% Colorants 1,008 1,026 1,019 1,038 1% Ά The herbal category, even though it has overtaken the beauty category in volume, has not been able to do so in value due to the high price per ml of shampoos in beauty category. However, due to the price increases in Herbal category, the value there has also increased specially in 2009. The AD category has seen the highest growth in value especially in 2009 due to massive price increases taken by HS (20%) The conditioner market is declining due to the decline in loose oils and natural ingredients market; however the rinse off conditioner market is still growing. The styling and colorants market contribute less than 10% of overall hair care market due to its low tonnage. Assumptions for Growth for Each Segment Shampoos: The shampoo market will continue to grow due to consumption building activities in the rural segment. There are still massive amounts of soap being used for hair wash and when it is replaced with shampoo, market will grow further. Within the shampoo category, AD category will see the highest growth due to the further investment behind brand Clear as a shampoo especially for men, followed by Herbal which will be taken as the frontrunner to develop the rural market. The usership of toilet soap for hair wash in rural is 30% and laundry soap is 50%. It will be herbal categorys (Lifebuoy shampoos) job to convert these soap users to shampoo with the natural and herbal proposition, because according to research 46% rural consumers use soap due to the perception that soap cleans hair more thoroughly and that shampoo damages hair. Only 12% say that they cannot afford shampoo. However, if any sensitivity to price exists, it will be overcome by the fact that less dosage of shampoo is needed to replace soap and hence the shampoo bottle will last as much as or more as soap does. The way forward will be to educate them about benefits of shampoo vs. soap and get them to use Lifebuoy shampoo and the next step will be to move them onto beauty shampoo i.e. Sunsilk which is more profitable. Those in rural who are already using shampoo, for them the job will be to move onto Sunsilk from whatever else they are using. Therefore both beauty and herbal categories have a role to play in rural. Conditioners: As the market is evolving, two changes are taking place. Firstly, consumers are moving towards branded products and that is going to see the decline of loose oils and natural ingredients (reetha, amla shikakai etc.) usage. Secondly, consumers are starting to become aware of their own specialized needs and want products to be suited to their individual preferences. Therefore second generation hair care products such as rinse off conditioners will be more in demand. This will further be fueled by international and local media. Styling: With respect to the above, consumers will also start moving towards more evolved products for hair care to cater to their individualized needs and preferences. Also with the entrance of new players such as LOreal, Garnier and Toni and Guy, there will be more awareness about these needs and the market will start to get increasingly developed. There will also be high development in trade and channel by these new entrants fuelling the growth even further. Colorants: Until now this market has been dominated by old players such as Wella, Polycolor, Schwarzkopf, Kalakola etc. But with the recent entry of LOreal and Garnier, investment in colorants market by these players will see development in this area. Market Size Estimation (Volume Tons) Segment 2010 2011 2012 2013 CAGR % Beauty 9,349 10,270 11,018 12,125 12% Herbal 9,607 10,927 11,913 13,938 15% Anti Dandruff 5,115 5,886 6,656 7,600 14% Conditioners 7,383 7,855 8,207 8,736 6% Styling 207 249 290 330 17% Colorants 881 898 915 961 3% Ά The conditioner might look like its showing dismal growth, but what is of interest is the rinse off conditioner category which is actually going to grow at 9% due to heavy investment. The growth number is being dragged down due to negative growth in loose oils and natural ingredients by -5% and -9% respectively. The branded oils category is to grow by 2%. The AD market will show high growth due to investment in a whole new brand i.e. Clear in the new market for male grooming. Herbal however will still be in the lead as regards absolute volume as it should cater to the soap conversion job in the rural segment. Beauty segment will grow due to new entrants in the segment and increase in consumption in rural. Market Size Estimation (Value Rs Mn.) Segment 2010 2011 2012 2013 CAGR % Beauty 7547 9272 11181 15037 26% Herbal 3430 4204 4901 5822 19% Anti Dandruff 4661 5946 7402 9374 26% Conditioners 8,609 8911 9222 9365 3% Styling 156 187 218 248 17% Colorants 1,058 1,078 1,098 1,263 6% Ά Any increases in the herbal segment value will be due to volume increases and not price increases. On the other hand, the increase in market value of beauty and AD segment will continue due to higher price per ml along with increases in volume. The styling category will be a profitable category as it will be sold at a premium to the other formats available. So even small increases in volume will yield higher returns. Once again looking at the total conditioner growth number would be misleading. To break it up, the area of interest which is rinse off conditioners will actually grow at 16% due to its high price per ml and increase in volume simultaneously whereas the loose oil and natural ingredients market is declining at -5% each. Competition Growth Matrix Competition Growth Matrix Conclusion UPL has a comfortable lead in the beauty segment but it needs to maintain this lead in view of growing competition. The AD and Herbal categories of UPL are lagging behind PG and Forvil respectively. Since the AD category is expected to show healthy growth of 12% in the future, UPL needs to maintain at least the market growth rate for its AD brand. Herbal must be invested in specifically in rural areas to convert soap users. Styling is a niche yet profitable market segment that is expected to grow at a whopping 17% in the future. Opportunities lie for UPL here in development in this category and gaining and market lead. Conditioning (rinse off) will also be growing at 9%. UPL has already started focusing on this category before any other company and should direct further investment this way to take advantage of the growth. Through analysis it is evident that Forvil (Bio Amla) is also a formidable competitor in the market where as Unilevers strategies are based on competition from PG. In future Bio Amla should be given equal importance in competitive as well as brand strategy formulation. Product Life Cycle Product Life Cycle Segments Introduction Growth Maturity Beauty X   Pantene X Sunsilk X Herbal X   LifeBuoy X Bio Amla X Anti Dandruff   X Head Shoulders X Clear X Conditioners Rinse Off   X Sunsilk X Pantene X Loose Oil X Natural Ingredients Branded Oils X Styling X   LOreal X Toni and Guy   X Colorants   X Garnier X Kala Kola X Ά The shampoo category is in growth stage, fueled by the rural segment. Penetration and consumption in this segment will keep on increasing as awareness increases through media proliferation. Improvement in distribution will further fuel this trend. Rinse off conditioners are in the introduction stage. Even though they have been on shelf for awhile, they have just started to be pushed by the companies in terms of communication, and that also one brand until now i.e. Sunsilk. Since rinse off conditioners are only being pushed in urban, rural for the time being will be using loose oils for conditioning purposes. Natural ingredients are on the decline however as consumers are getting these in the shampoos themselves and also do not have the time anymore that it takes anymore to use them. Styling segment is in introduction stage and therefore it can be an opportunity for UPL or any other company to gain a first mover advantage there. There has been no new news in colorants segment until now with the introduction of LOreal and Garnier in the market. The advent of these two brands will have an impact on overall category and cause awareness about this segment, leading to growth in off-take of colorants. Distribution Structure Ά For all the 3 segments of shampoos, over the next few years , contribution of GT will decrease with most of the consumer traffic moving towards MT and therefore the companies also shifting their volumes towards MT. For Beauty category Salon channel will also gain importance. Rinse-off conditioners are limited to being sold at MT at this point in time as they are targeted towards higher LSMs. In the future as they start to be used by lower LSMs, their contribution in GT will increase. The biggest jump in contribution of Styling products is in Salon channel. This is where consumers will receive education about the use of styling products and will also be a point of urge purchase. This channel will serve as the foundation for development of this segment, and will lead to increase in contribution of GT as consumers make their repeat purchases from there. Distribution Shares and Companys Position The outlet coverage reflects that of Urban only. The numbers for rural by channel were not available to us, however we did find out that they were much lower. (Outlet coverage in total rural is approximately 60%) Therefore, if the job is to convert soap users in rural, then the outlet coverage must also be increased. Although urban outlet coverage is healthy, UPL is lacking behind in turnover share as compared to PG probably due to higher NPS/ton of PG brands. The turnover share we have taken is in terms of value, and if we compare volume turnover then UPLs is higher. In terms of outlet coverage, UPL is at par or more than both PG and Forvil in all cities except Islamabad. Hence special attention must be paid to this region n the distribution plan. Top 6 External Trends Ά UPL is taking advantage of growth in rural segment with a companywide project to promote its brands in rural. They want to gain a first mover advantage there which will be possible if PG and Forvil dont act. All companies have taken prices increases to be able to hold their margins. Growth of MT and the increase in demand for bulk products have led UPL, PG and Forvil to introduce large size bottles (400ml and 700ml) specifically for this channel. UPL being the first one to focus on conditioners is taking advantage of the trend to provide specialized products for the consumers. PG although it has a range of styling and conditioning products is not actively promoting them. Both UPL and PG are turning towards digital mediums such as the internet and cell phones for advertising. Furthermore, there is an increased use of activations and sales promotions to catch the attention of the increasingly fragmented audience. Growth of small unknown brands in rural with Re. 1 sachets is threatening the higher priced sachets of UPL, PG and Forvil. PG has increased their sachet prices further and are not focusing on them as sku. UPL is trying to counter this by giving a better product at a slightly higher price (Rs. 2 and Rs. 3). Summary: External Analysis UPL hair care category at the moment consists of shampoos and conditioners in beauty, herbal and anti-dandruff segments and also plans to provide styling products in the future. Segments identified in the Hair care market are Shampoos (Beauty, Herbal, and AD), Conditioners (Rinse-Off, Branded Oils, Loose Oils, and Natural Ingredients), Styling and Colorants. In 2008, the Herbal category overtook the Beauty Category in volume. This can be attributed to the price increases (7%) taken by players in the beauty category, turning consumers to the herbal shampoos which were at a discount to beauty shampoos. 2007 saw the introduction of a new player in the AD category i.e. Clear shampoo which has propelled growth in the AD segment since. The AD category has seen the highest growth in value especially in 2009 due to massive price increases taken by HS (20%). The conditioner market is declining due to the decline in loose oils and natural ingredients market; however the rinse off conditioner market is still growing. The shampoo market will continue to grow due to consumption building activities in the rural segment. There are still massive amounts of soap being used for hair wash and when it is replaced with shampoo, market will grow further. Furthermore, the next four years will be more about development of rinse off conditioning and styling. Consumers are starting to become aware of their own specialized needs and want products to be suited to their individual preferences. Therefore second generation hair care products such as rinse off conditioners will be more in demand. Styling is a niche yet profitable market segment that is expected to grow at a whopping 17% in the future. Opportunities lie for UPL here in development in this category and gaining and market lead. Through analysis it is evident that Forvil (Bio Amla) is also a formidable competitor in the market where as Unilevers strategies are based on competition from PG. In future Bio Amla should be given equal importance in competitive as well as brand strategy formulation. For all the 3 segments of shampoos, over the next few years , contribution of GT will decrease with most of the consumer traffic moving towards MT and therefore the companies also shifting their volumes towards MT. For Beauty category Salon channel will also gain importance. UPL is taking advantage of growth in rural segment with a companywide project to promote its brands in rural. They want to gain a first mover advantage there which will be possible if PG and Forvil dont act. Performance Analysis: Lagging Indicators Lagging Indicators 2007 2008 Sales +++ + Total TO Vol +++ + Val ++ ++ Growth Vol +++ + Val +++ ++ Market Share Vol + + Val + + Profit ++ + ROI +++ + GP Margin + Cost + + Sales: Sales in 2008 did not grow by much due to price increases taken across brands in order to make up for inflationary pressures. In 2009, volume growth was driven by activities in rural and by the price advantage that UPL had due to massive price increases taken by PG. They key takeout therefore is to let PG be at a premium to us and secondly keep on developing rural to get volume growth. Growth: The value growth increased in 2008 because of price increases whereas the volume declined but this was reversed in 2009 for reason of ease in pressure in prices. Market Share: Shares grew by a constant rate across the years. Again, any increases came from rural, gaining from top two competitors i.e. Forvil and PG especially in 2009. GP%: Gross margins were pressured due to increase in raw material, overhead, and supply chain. They were maintained by taking price increases and through optimization of formulations. Performance Analysis: Leading Indicators Innovation: The number of product innovation both in terms of re-launches and new variants/SKUs to cater to different consumers needs. In the past 3 years there has been one new brand introduction that is Clear, two brand re-launches and one new variant launch. Investment in Human Capital: The continuous training of all the employees to make them fully knowledgeable in the area of their performance. This is done by creating employee skill profiles where training needs are identified and future performance standards and objectives are set. Localization: Switching from foreign supplier of packaging to local ones to decrease cost, lead time and increase flexibility. Information Technology: The use of Information Technology for quick collaboration with the regional counterparts, suppliers and within different departments of the organization. Integration of ERP, SAP and linking with region and global center. CSR: Integrating CSR activities into brand portfolio to demonstrate responsible business behavior. This will help to enhance brand equity and image and gain community trust. Use of Innovative Media: The use of innovative mediums of communication not used by anyone else in this category, for example leveraging the power of social media, PR and search engine optimization to target specific audiences at point of time and point of purchase. Further analysis on leading indicators is on the following page. SWOT Analysis Strengths: UPL has brands specifically to cater to each segment of the shampoo market and these brands have established brand images. UPL hair care portfolio have a range of offering for all types of socio economic classes First Mover advantage with the launch of Sunsilk conditioners Range of variants catering to a different consumer needs Versus any layer in the competition UPL holds a very strong distribution network which helps in deep penetration and lowering operation cost. An AD brand that provides solutions both for Men and Women. Ability to use UPL clout in advertising media industry Opportunities: Leveraging of UPL distribution might to make inroads into rural Make the most of hair fall need through 3 brands variants Own conditioners segment by investing in distribution channels and communication Use innovative mediums to have a targeted focus LBS to benefit from premium shampoo bottle user in both urban and rural down trading to mid tier brand Can use Clear to generate growth for male grooming products To increase share in AD segment through AD specific brand Clear Weaknesses: Lifebuoy shampoo has a outdated image in the market due to LB soap Sunsilk is only a generic beauty shampoo and needs to stand for something more Clear has not been able to create too large of a dent in its main competitor HS Threats: Low tier and mushroom brands pushing the product in trade channel Garnier and LOreal entering the market targeting both the upper class and the middle class through their brand portfolio Inflationary pressures may force the consumers to switch to other available options thus resulting in a lower share for all the premium brands. PG may start local production of shampoos which will result in a decrease in their prices Counterfeit goods are adversely affecting the sales of branded goods and as counterfeit trade increase the company stands to lose all its brand equity and exclusivity. Besides, it may also result in customer dissatisfaction, which could be detrimental to the companys image. Confrontation Matrices Because Sunsilk has been the first to actively try and establish the conditioners category, they have a high chance of owning this segment both in terms of distribution as well as communication as both customers and consumers will see Sunsilk as the authority on rinse-off conditioners. All 3 brands have numerous variants and therefore will be able to cater to hair fall needs of all income segments. Hair fall is the latest need to be catered to by all the shampoo brands. Strong distribution network of UPL can help it to make inroads in rural segment faster and more effectively than other brands. The male grooming segment is one that is un-catered to at the moment and Clear with its range just for men can fill this gap. UPL will have an easier time integrating innovative advertising mediums such as PR and social media in its current advertising mix due to the clout it enjoys in advertising industry. Because Clear still hasnt been able to pose too much of a threat to number 1 AD player HS, it will not be able to increase UPL share in AD segment. The brand needs to start doing much better before it can grab share from HS and become an AD brand of equal measure. Inflation should not hit UPL too hard because users can downgrade within the UPL portfolio from Clear and Sunsilk to Lifebuoy Shampoo and similarly from competitor premium brands like HS and Pantene. Furthermore, because UPL has such a portfolio that caters to all segments, it will be able to resist price decreases if PG were to start local production and resist entry of LOreal and Garnier. UPLs strong distribution network may also help it to resist growth of mushroom br

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

9-11 :: essays research papers

The likely mastermind of the Sept. 11 attacks is a Kuwaiti-born lieutenant of Osama bin Laden who had previously plotted to attack the World Trade Center and to bomb several airliners simultaneously, a top U.S. counterterrorism official says. Khalid Shaikh Mohammed, one of the FBI's most-wanted terrorists, is at large in Afghanistan or nearby, the law enforcement official told The Associated Press on Tuesday. U.S. investigators believe Mohammed, working under bin Laden's leadership, planned many aspects of the Sept. 11 attacks. ``There's lots of links that tie him to 9-11,'' the official said, speaking on condition of anonymity. ``He was intricately involved.'' Mohammed is accused of working with Ramzi Yousef in the first bombing of the World Trade Center, which left six dead in 1993. He and Yousef also were accused of plotting in 1995 to bomb several trans-Pacific airliners heading for the United States. Yousef, now serving a life sentence in the United States after being convicted in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing, also is believed to have planned to crash a plane into CIA headquarters. Mohammed was charged by federal prosecutors in New York in 1996 in connection with the alleged 1995 plot. The State Department is offering a reward of up to $25 million for information leading to his capture. Other bin Laden lieutenants are also believed to have helped put together the Sept. 11 attacks, the official said. But evidence is mounting that Mohammed was at the center of the operational planning. A second U.S. official, also speaking on condition of anonymity, acknowledged that Mohammed played a critical role in planning the attacks but said questions remain about the extent of his leadership. The official said other bin Laden lieutenants, including Abu Zubaydah, now in U.S. custody, are also believed to have played top organizational roles. Mohammed, 36, is one of the highest-ranking al-Qaida leaders still at large, officials said, and continues to plan attacks against U.S. interests. Although he was born in Kuwait, officials there say he is a Pakistani national and note that people born in Kuwait do not automatically qualify for citizenship. According to the counterterrorism official, within three months of Sept. 11, the FBI learned that Mohammed had performed some financial transactions to fund the attacks; since then the United States has gathered other significant evidence pointing to him as the key planner. The official declined to go into detail, citing a need to protect intelligence information.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Families and School Programs Essay

The article discusses how important it is that families, especially parents, get involved in school programs concerning the welfare of their kids. The learning process of these children does not stop in schools. Parents also play a major part with regard to their children’s academic life. Those who make sure that their children go to school and show interest in their child’s performance send the message to their children that education is important (Struck, 1995, p. 1). The Families and Schools Together (FAST) is a program that participates in facing the social issues of youth violence and juvenile delinquency by way of creating a better relationship between the young people and their families, friends, teachers, and school staff. Through this program, the youth will be able to increase their social skills, avoid or decrease school failure, and become more aware of the effects of alcohol and drug abuse. Families who are believed to be in need of help are invited to meetings. The program offers a variety of activities including building a family flag, sharing a family meal, singing, playing communication games or feelings-identification games, engaging in peer activities, and parent networking. A better family life and relationship is recommended for young adults and teenagers so that they are able to express their thoughts and feelings more freely. This is the reason why schools should make parents and families participate more. When a child knows that there are people who support him or her, the child would be more confident in what he or she is doing. As well, proper education regarding substance abuse and other illegal acts is recommended for them to become aware at a certain age. With schools and parents working together for the future of the young people, nothing can go wrong. Reference Struck, D. (1995). Involving Parents in Education: A Handbook for Elementary Schools. Frederick, MD: Aspen Publishers, Inc.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Good Leaders Are Made Not Born

A PROJECT REPORT ON BEHAVIOURAL ASPECT OF LEADERSHIP BEHAVIOURAL ASPECT OF LEADERSHIP BUSINESS SCHOOL OF DELHI GREATER NOIDA SUBMITTED TO: SUBMITTED BY: PROF. VEENU ARORA ROHIT KUMAR PGDM(2011-13) INTRODUCTION Good leaders are made not born . If you  have the desire and will power ,you can become an effective leader. good leaders develop through a never-ending process of self study, education, training and experience.This guide will help you through that process. to inspire your people into higher  levels of teamwork, there are certain things you  must be, know ,and ,do. These do not come naturally, but are acquired through continual work  and study. The best leaders are continually working and  studying to improve their leadership skills. Before we get started, les define leadership. Leadership is  a complex process by which a person influences others to accomplish a mission, task or objective  and directs the organization in a way that makes it more cohesive and cohe rent.A person carries out this process by applying his or  her leadership attributes (belief, values, ethics, character, knowledge, and skills). Although your position as a  manager, supervisor, lead, etc. s and objectives in the organization, this power does not make you a leader†¦ it simply makes you the boss. Leadership makes people  want to achieve high goals and objectives, while, on  the other hand, bosses tell people to accomplish a  task or an objective. Bass' (1) theory of leadership states that there  are three basic ways to explain how people become  leaders, the first two explain the leadership development for a small  number of people.These theories are: Some personality traits  may lead people naturally into leadership  roles. Tg is  is THE  TRAIT THEORY. Crisis or important event may cause a person to rise to the occasion, which brings extraordinary leadership qualities in an ordinary person. This is THE GREAT EVENT THEORY. People can choo se to become leaders. People can learn  leadership skills. This is THE TRANSFORMATIONAL LEADERSHIP THEORY. It is most widely accepted theory today and the premise  on which this guide is based. When a person is deciding if  he respects you as a leader, hedoes not think about your attributes.He observes what you do so that he can know who you really are. He uses this observation to tell if you are an honourable and trusted leader, or a self serving person who misuses his or her  authority to look good and get promoted. Self serving leaders are not as effective  because their employees only obey them, not  follow them. They succeed in many areas because they present a good image  to their seniors at the expense of their  people. The basis of good leadership is honorable character and selfless service to your organization .In  your employees' eyes,  Your leadership is everything you do that  affects the organizations objectives and their well being. A  respected leader concentrates on what she is [be] (beliefs  and character), what she knows job, tasks, human nature), and what she  does (implement, motivate, provide direction). What makes a person follow a leader? People want to guided by those they respect and those who  have a clear sense of direction. to gain respect, they must be ethical. A sense of direction is achieved by conveying a strong vision of the  future. TWO MOST IMPORTANT KEYS OFLEADERSHIPHay's study examined over 75 key components of  employee satisfaction. They found that: trust and confidence in  top leadership was the single most reliable  predictor of employee satisfaction in an organization. Effective communication by leadership in three critical areas was  the key to win  organizational trust and confidence: helping the employees understand the company's overall business strategy. Helping employees understand how they contribute to achieving key  business objectives. Bring information with employe es on both  how the company is doing and how an own  employee's division is doing -relative to strategic business objectives.So basically, you must be trustworthy and you  have to be able to communicate a vision of where you are going. Notice how the â€Å"PRINCIPLES OF LEADERSHIP† in the next section closely ties in with this. HUMAN RELATIONS The six most important words: â€Å"i admit i made a mistake. â€Å"The five most important words: â€Å"you  did a good job. â€Å"The four most important words: â€Å"what is  your opinion. â€Å"The three most important words: â€Å"if you please. â€Å"The two most important words: â€Å"thank  you. â€Å"The one most important word: â€Å"we. â€Å"The least most important word: PRINCIPLE OF LEADERSHIPTO HELP YOU BE, KNOW, AND DO, (2) FOLLOW THESE ELEVEN principles of leadership (later sections will expand on  gaining an insight into these principles and  providing tools to perform them):Know yourself an d seek self-improvement means continually strengthening your attributes. This can be accomplished through reading, self-study, classes, etc. be technically proficient. As a leader, you must know your job and have a solid familiarity with your employees' jobs. Seek responsibility and take  responsibility of your actions. Search for ways to guide  your organization to new heights.And when things go wrong, they will sooner or later, do not blame others. Analyze the  situation, take corrective action, and move on to the next challenge. Make sound and timely decisions. Use good problem solving, decision making and planning tools. Set the example. Be a good role model for  your employees. They must not only hear what they are expected to do but also see. Know your people and  look out for their well-being. Know human nature and importance of sincerely  caring for your workers. Keep your people informed. Know how to communicate with your people within the organization. Develop a sense of responsibility in  your people.Develop good character traits within your people that will help them carry out their professional responsibilities. Ensure that tasks are understood, supervised, and accomplished. Communication is the key to this responsibility. Train your  people as a team. Although many so called leaders call their  organization, department, section, etc. A team; they are not really teams†¦ they are just a group of people doing their jobs. Use the  full capabilities of your organization. By developing a team spirit, you will be able to employ your organization, department, section, etc. to its fullest capabilitiesFACTORS OF LEADERSHIP The four major factors of leadership are †¦.. THE FOLLOWER: Different people require different styles of  leadership. For example,  a new hire requires  more supervision than an experienced employee. A person with  a different attitude requires a different approach than one with a  high degree of  motivation. You must know  your people! The fundamental starting point is having a good understanding of human  nature: needs, emotions, and motivation. You must know your employees' be, know and do attributes. LEADER:  You must have an honest understanding of who you  are, what you know, and what you can do.Also, note that it is the followers, not the leader who determines  if a leader is  successful. If a follower does no it trust or lacks confidence in his or her leader, then she will be uninspired. To be successful you have to convince your followers, not yourself or your supervisors, that you are worthy of being followed. COMMUNICATION: You lead through two way  communication. Much of it is non-verbal. For instance, when you â€Å"set the example,† that communicates to your people that you would no task them to perform anything that you would not be willing to do.What and how you communicate either builds or harms the relationship between you and your emp loyees. SITUATION: All situations are different. What you  do in one leadership situation will not always work in another situation. You must use your judgment to decide the best course of action and the leadership style needed for each situation. For example, you may need to confront an employee  for inappropriate behavior, but the confrontation is too late or too early, too harsh or too weak, then the results may prove ineffective . ATTRIBUTES if you are a leader  that can be trusted, then the  people around you will learn to respect you.To be a good leader, there are things thtu must be, know, and do. these fall under the  leadership framework: BE a professional. BE a professional who possess good character traits. KNOW the four factors of leadership- follower, leader, communication, situation. KNOW yourself . KNOW human nature KNOW your job KNOW your organization. DO provide direction. DO implement. DO motivate. Forming, Storming, Norming, Performing, Adjourning The Tu ck man model(2)shows the five stages that teams go through: from Forming to Storming to Norming to Performing to Adjourning.Forming In the Forming stage, team members are introduced. They state why they were chosen  or volunteered for the team and what they hope to accomplish within the team. Members cautiously explore the boundaries of acceptable group behavior. This is a stage of transition  from individual to member status, and of testing the leader's guidance both formally and informally. Forming includes these feelings and behaviors: Excitement, anticipation, and optimism. Pride in being chosen for the  project A tentative attachment to the team Suspicion and anxiety about the job.Defining the tasks and how they will be accomplished. Determining acceptable group behavior. Deciding what information needs to be gathered. Abstract discussions of the concepts and issues, and for some members, impatience with  the discussions. There will be difficulty in identifying some of the relevant  problems. Because there is so much  going on to distract members' attention in the beginning, the team accomplishes little, if anything, that concerns it's project goals. This is perfectly normal. Storming During the team's transition from the â€Å"As-Is† tothe â€Å"To-Be,† is called the Storming phase.All members have their own ideas as to how theprocess should look, and personal agendas arerampant. Storming is probably the most difficultstage for the team. They begin to realize thetasks that are ahead are different and  moredifficult than they imagined. Impatient about thelack of progress, members argue about just whatactions the team should take. They try to relysolely on their personal and professionalexperience, and resist collaborating with most  of  the other team members. Storming includes these feelings and behaviors:Resisting the tasks. Resisting quality improvement approachessuggested by other members.Sharp fluctuations in attitude about the teamand the project's chance of success. Arguing among members even when they agreeon the real issues. Defensiveness, competition, and choosing sides. Questioning the wisdom of those who selectedthis project and appointed the other  membersof the team. Establishing unrealistic goals. Disunity, increased tension, and jealousy. The above pressures mean that team  membershave little energy to  spend on progressingtowards the team's goal. But they  are beginningto understand one another. This phase sometimestakes 3 or 4 meetings before arriving at theNorming phase.Norming The Norming phase is when the team reaches aconsensus on the  Ã¢â‚¬Å"To-Be† process. Everyonewants to share the  newly found focus. Enthusiasmis high, and the team is tempted to go beyond theoriginal scope of the process. During this stage,members reconcile competing loyalties andresponsibilities. They accept the team, teamground rules, their roles in the team, and theindividuality of fellow members. Emotionalconflict is reduced as previously competitiverelationships become more cooperative. Norming includes these feelings and behaviors:An ability to express criticism  constructively.Acceptance of membership in the team. An attempt to achieve harmony  by avoidingconflict. More friendliness, confiding in each other, andsharing of personal problems. A sense of team cohesion, spirit,  and goals. Establishing and maintaining team ground rules and boundaries. As team members begin to work out their differences, they now have more time  and energy to spend on the project. Performing The team has now settled its relationships andexpectations. They can begin performing bydiagnosing, solving problems, and choosing andimplementing changes.At last team membershave discovered and accepted each  other'sstrengths and weakness, and learned what theirroles are. Performing includes these feelings andbehaviors:Members have insights into personal and  groupprocesses, and bett er understanding of eachother's strengths and weakness. Constructive self-change. Ability to prevent or work  through groupproblemsClose attachment to the teamThe team is now an effective, cohesive unit. Youcan tell when your team has reached this stagebecause you start getting a lot  of work done. Adjourning The team briefs and shares the  improved processduring the this phase.When the team finallycompletes that last briefing, there is always abittersweet sense of accomplishment coupledwith the reluctance to  say good-bye. Manyrelationships formed within these teams continuelong after the team disbands TEAM VS GROUP There are several factors that separate teamsfrom groups. Roles and  Responsibilities Within a group, individuals establish a set of  behaviors called roles. These roles setexpectations governing relationships. Roles oftenserve as source of confusion and conflict. Whileon the other hand, teams have a sharedunderstanding on how to perform their role.These rol es include: leader, facilitator,timekeeper, and recorder. Identity While teams have an identity, groups do not. It isalmost impossible to establish the sense of  cohesion that characterizes a team without thisfundamental step. A team has a  clearunderstanding about what constitutes the team's'work' and why it is  important. They can describea picture of what the team needs to achieve, andthe norms and values that will guide them Cohesion Teams have an esprit that shows a sense of  bonding and camaraderie. Esprit is the spirit,soul, and state of mind of the team.It is theoverall consciousness of the team that  a personidentifies with and feels  a part of. Individualsbegin using â€Å"we† more than â€Å"me. † Facilitate Groups have a tendency to get bogged down withtrivial issues. Ask yourself, â€Å"How much time getswasted in meetings you attend? † Teams usefacilitators to keep the team on the right path. Communication While members of a group are  centered uponthemselves, the team is committed to opencommunication. Team members feel they canstate their opinions, thoughts, and feelingswithout fear. Listening is considered as importantas speaking.Differences of opinion is valued andmethods of managing conflict are understood. Through honest and caring feedback, membersare aware of their strengths and weakness  asteam members. There is an  atmosphere of trustand acceptance and a sense of community. Flexibility Most groups are extremely rigid. Teams, howevermaintain a high level of flexibility, and theyperform different task and maintenance functionsas needed. The responsibility for teamdevelopment and leadership is shared. Thestrengths of each member are identified  andused. Morale Team members are enthusiastic about the work of  the team and each person feels pride in being a 16 ember of the team. Team spirit is high. To be asuccessful team, the group must have a  strongability to produce results and a  high degre e of  satisfaction in working with one  another. Working With Other TeamMembers Although we are like in many ways, we are dislikein a lot more ways. Humans have always tried toclassify things, including themselves. This sectionuses a popular categorizer by placing people intofour styles – Driver, Persuader, Analyzer,Organizer. (note that the names will vary widelydepending upon the creator of the chart). It  doesthis by charting them on two dimensions – tasksand emotions.People gets results on tasksbetween two extremes – expedience andprocesses. People use emotions in dealing withothers through two extremes – controlled orresponsive. In the chart below, the twodimensions are shown under the profile Character: Be a piece of the  rock †¢ Charisma: The first impression can seal the deal. †¢ Commitment: It seperates doers from  dreamers †¢ Communication: without it you travel alone †¢ Competence: if you build it they will come à ¢â‚¬ ¢ Courage: one person with courage is a  majority †¢ Discernment: put an end to  unsolved mysteries †¢Focus: the sharper it is, the sharper you are †¢ Generosity: your candle loses nothing when it lights another †¢ Initiative: you wont leave home without it †¢ Listening: to connect with their hearts use your ears 43 †¢ Passion: take this life and love it †¢ Positive attitude: if you believe you can, you can †¢ Problem solving: you cant let  your problems be a problem †¢ Relationships: if you get along they will go along †¢ Resposibility: if you wont carry the ball you wont lead theteam †¢ Security: competence never compensates for insecurity †¢ Self-discipline: the first person you lead is you †¢

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Leyes que afectan a indocumentados en estado de Utah

Leyes que afectan a indocumentados en estado de Utah Las leyes migratorias que afectan a indocumentados en Utah son importantes porque aplican  a 1 de cada 20 trabajadores. Y es que en este viven ms de 100,000 migrantes en situacià ³n irregular. Su presencia es muy visible en sectores como la agricultura, donde son 1 de cada 5 trabajadores, en el construccià ³n, donde son 1 de cada 7 y en el sector de los servicios donde son 1 de cada 9.   Para estos migrantes es muy  importante conocer sus derechos en el estado de Utah y distinguir entre las leyes que aplican y aquà ©llas que no estn en vigor. 1. Situacià ³n actual de la dura ley HB495 La ley HB497 no aplica por decisià ³n de una Corte. Esta normativa del aà ±o 2011 que requerà ­a que la policà ­a comprobase el estatus migratorio de cualquier persona arrestada por un delito (felony) o por una falta de categorà ­a A, B o C. Asimismo tambià ©n exigà ­a que se verificase el estatus de cualquier persona que se considerase que podà ­a estar ilegalmente en los Estados Unidos.   Sin embargo sà ­ que es de aplicacià ³n el programa Comunidades Seguras, que ha sido reestablecido por orden ejecutiva del presidente Donald Trump. Si bien algunas ciudades en todo Estados Unidos han desafiado esa normativa convirtià ©ndose en lo que se conoce como ciudades santuario, en Utah no hay ninguna en la actualidad con esa calificacià ³n. En otras palabras, todas las ciudades en ese estado cumplen con Comunidades Seguras. 2. Cà ³mo aplica E-verify en Utah E-verify  es un programa para verificar que los trabajadores cumplen los requisitos migratorios para ser empleados. En Utah es  obligatorio su utilizacià ³n para: empleados pà ºblicosempresas privadas  que contratan con los organismos pà ºblicos y tambià ©n para las subcontratistasY todas las empresas privadas con ms de 15 empleados   3.  Programa huà ©sped Ley HB116 para migrantes indocumentados   En el aà ±o 2011 Utah aprobà ³ la Ley HB116 que creaba un programa de trabajador huà ©sped para migrantes indocumentados para permitirles trabajar legalmente dentro del estado, si se cumplà ­an una serie de condiciones: Comenzarà ­a  a aplicarse a partir de 2013, despuà ©s se retrasà ³ su inicio a 2017, pero lo cierto es que nunca ha entrado en vigor ni se cree que llegue a aplicarse.  Se beneficiarà ­an  los indocumentados que pudieran probar que residen y trabajan en Utah en el sector agrà ­cola y tambià ©n sus familiares inmediatos: cà ³nyuges e hijos solteros menores de 21 aà ±os.Se establecà ­a  el pago de una multa de hasta $2,500 por persona para optar al programaSe tendrà ­an menos derechos laborales que los disfrutados por ciudadanos americanos y residentes permanentes legales.Para favorecerse de esta medida, era  requisito imprescindible no tener rà ©cord criminalSe concederà ­an permisos de trabajo por un periodo de dos aà ±os.Crearà ­a un sistema paralelo para recaudar impuestos Pero esta ley nunca entrà ³ en vigor porque necesitaba un permiso del gobierno federal que jams fue concedido. Es muy probable que la propia asamblea legislativa de Utah que en 2011 aprobà ³ la ley vote para derogarla. Lo que sà ­ parece claro es que jams entrar en vigor. Tampoco han tenido aplicacià ³n las leyes HB466 que preveà ­a un acuerdo con el estado mexicano de Nuevo Leà ³n para emitir visas federales de trabajo ni la ley HB469 que permitirà ­a que ciudadanos americanos en el estado de Utah patrocinasen a personas extranjeras sin seguir los procedimientos establecidos en las leyes federales de inmigracià ³n. 5. Licencia de manejar para indocumentados En la actualidad, Utah es uno de los  estados de la Unià ³n Americana que emite licencias de manejar a indocumentados. En este estado se conoce como Driving Privilege Card, pero no puede ser utilizada como I.D. con foto para otros fines. 6. Beneficios para estudiantes universitarios indocumentados   Utah permite a los estudiantes indocumentados acceder a las universidades pà ºblicas de ese estado pagando  matrà ­cula in-state si cumplen una serie de requisitos, entre los que destacan: Haber estudiado por al menos 3 aà ±os en una high school de UtahHaberse graduado de High School o un equivalente, como por ejemplo el GEDHaber llenado una aplicacià ³n para regularizar la situacià ³n migratoria o estar dispuesto a hacerlo tan pronto como se califique para ello.Llenar el formulario HB144 Tuition Waiver Request Adems, en aplicacià ³n de la ley SB253, los estudiantes universitarios indocumentados pueden beneficiarse de becas privadas que son administradas por las universidades pà ºblicas. 7. Beneficios pà ºblicos Los migrantes indocumentados no pueden recibir beneficios pà ºblicos, excepto aquellos que se brindan en situacià ³n extrema, como por ejemplo asistencia mà ©dica en casos de riesgo para la vida o ayuda nutricional a mujeres embarazadas o infantes por aplicacià ³n del programa WIC. 8. Derechos de los migrantes indocumentados Se calcula que en los Estados Unidos pueden residir en la actualidad entre 10 y 11 millones de migrantes en situacià ³n irregular. A pesar de ello, tienen una serie de derechos como por ejemplo:   No permitir a la policà ­a o a la migra la entrada en sus viviendas, a menos que muestren una orden judicial (warrant).No incriminarse y por lo tanto se tiene derecho a no hablar y a no mostrar documentos. En este punto es fundamental no mostrar jams documentos firmar ningà ºn documento sin consultar previamente con un abogado. Es importante no firmar una salida voluntaria sin entender bien en quà © consiste y cules son las consecuencias. Para los migrantes indocumentados interesados en conocer ms a fondo sus derechos se recomienda que lean detenidamentela lista preparada en espaà ±ol por el Immigration Legal Resource Center. Este es un artà ­culo informativo. No es asesorà ­a legal.

Monday, November 4, 2019

LIterary Analysis, Bioethics, Psychology, Sociology, and History of Essay

LIterary Analysis, Bioethics, Psychology, Sociology, and History of Never Let Me Go by Kazuo Ishiguro - Essay Example This has required the readers to scrutinize the cultural supposition on the subject of human humanness, and to countenance intricate questions: what it means to be human. How humanity can be defined. The novel has led to the many research; the literal research can be as follows: bioethics, sociology, and psychology of the book. The book goes through past the boundaries of the literal novel, by gripping the mystery of the beautiful love story, wounding critique of human insensitivity, also in the moral examination of people tend to treat the fewer fortunes in our different society today. The book can be analyzed, and we can easily come up with various themes, which can educate our society of today, starting from, the sociological and psychological and history of the book (Whitehead, 55). The history of human cloning started, from a group in the New Castle University who took eleven women (Whitehead, 54). They took their genetic resources and replaced it with DNA from the developing stem cells. The project was to make the cloned embryos from which the stem cells could be used to cure the diseases. The stem cell lines are produced by taking the genetic materials of the patient and putting it into the eggs that donated by the donors. The resultant egg, therefore, became a perfect match for individuals, and used in treating disease such as diabetes without any problem of rejection. The therapeutic cloning believed to have a huge potential to cure diseases, and disabilities in people, therefore, allowed in Britain. On the other hand, the reproductive cloning, this is the cloning of human embryos with the intention of creating a baby. It has become illegal since 2001 (Toker & Daniel, 164).Let me go as been enormously received extremely received, critically, and included t he curriculum courses of various colleges in both, Britain and the United States of America, it has also been include the secondary schools

Saturday, November 2, 2019

A circumstance in ministry where issues of professional conduct Essay

A circumstance in ministry where issues of professional conduct required exploration - a reflection - Essay Example Anent to these responsibilities, the church is also constituted with peoples of varying educational level, cultural roots, philosophy of life, political paradigms, social influences, strata in the community, familial orientations, standards of relations and their ‘otherness’ including the walls they built or their varying perceptions to almost everything. Ministers or pastors will deal with them everyday with their differences although they may share commonalities. At such context, church ministers and leaders would possibly be handling varied and conflicting responses whenever there are radical structural changes that will disturb the normative processes and operation of the church such as conversing or adding missionary functions to pastoral works (Adair, 2005). Conflicting expectations and assumptions may also get in the way as tension mounts in work-situation or if there are changes in its theological frameworks of service. This situation is further exacerbated with rapid cultural and social changes which can trigger defensive or bewildering reactions due to sudden shift on unfamiliar systems. Sometimes, Ministers will have difficulty convincing people whose reactions are too radical and confrontational, apparently due to fixity of Christian’s symbolical systems or often due to peoples’ fear to change itself (Bayes, Sledge, Holbrook & Rylands, 2006). Often, reactions can trigger conflict situations and if not managed well, co uld escalate to a level that will negatively impact to the church itself. In such context, there is indeed a need to improve the capacity of ministers and pastors to lead effectively by espousing dialogues and discourses to effectively communicate developmental goals for pastoral and ministerial works; promote peacebuilding within and outside the church’s framework; uphold conflict management and